
Mrs Omoy Omana

Senior Lecturer in Operating Department Practice

School of Allied and Public Health Professions

Omoy is a registered Operating Department Practitioner, and practices mainly in Anaesthetics.

I am a registered ODP qualifying from CCCU in 2018. Post qualification I worked at Kings College Hospital, specialising in emergency and complex Anaesthetics. I joined CCCU in 2021, where I lead on clinical practice and simulation-based modules. I am a Senior Lecturer and the ODP Placement lead, I hold overall responsibility for the management of Clinical placements for our students.

My research interests are simulation-based education. I recently completed a Multiprofessional Fellowship in Simulation Based Education. My Project output was a teaching and learning tool that emphasises on collaborative working with the promotion of the ODP profession.

I lead on delivering educational training through the ODP Practice Educator Toolkit, this enables clinicians within our Partner Practice providers to appropriately support and assess pre-registered Operating Department Practitioners.