Mark Uphill

Dr Mark Uphill

Dr Mark Uphill joined CCCU in 2003 and divides his time between teaching, research, practice, and supervision of sport and exercise psychology.

Dr Mark Uphill, BSc (Chichester), PGCE (Staffs), MSc (Exeter), PhD (Staffs), is a Senior Lecturer in Sport and Exercise Psychology. He completed his PhD from Staffordshire University on the Antecedents, Consequences and Regulation of Emotions in Sport in 2005. Mark is a BPS Chartered Psychologist, HCPC Registered Sport Psychologist, BASES Accredited Sport Scientist and BACP Registered Counsellor.

Mark currently contributes to the curriculum from Levels 4 through to 7. Across his 20+ years of work at CCCU, Mark's involvement includes module and course leadership at both undergraduate and postgraduate level and Doctoral level supervision, including PhD, DClin, and Stage 2 trainees. 

Mark has an inquisitive, pragmatic, and collegiate approach to research. Mark's research is broadly directed toward helping individuals flourish in and through participation in sport and physical activity. In particular, recent research has contributed theoretical, empirical, applied, and critical approaches to enhancing athletes' "mental wealth" (see below). Mark enjoys working with undergraduate, masters, and doctoral level students to facilitate the development of new knowledge, and he actively encourages students to publish at conferences and in peer-reviewed journals.

Mark is the Lead Sport Psychologist for the University's SportsLab and contributes to third steam income directly and indirectly (e.g., through consultancy activities of supervisees) for the university.

Research grants

  • 2010: British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences (BASES) position statement grant on emotion regulation in sport, alongside Andy Lane, Chris Beedie, Marc Jones, and Tracy Devonport (£1,500)
  • 2018: Evalaution of the Sport England Talented Athlete Scholarship Scheme in Further Education Institutions in England, alongside Lucinda Howland, Abby Foad, Philip Hurst, Dan Stretch (£16,500)

Featured work

  • Biggin, I., Burns, J., & Uphill, M. A. (2017). An investigation of athletes’ and coaches’ perceptions of mental ill-health in athletes. Journal of Clinical Sport Psychology, 11, 126-147.
  • Uphill, M. A., & Hemmings, B. (2017). Vulnerability: ripples from reflections on mental toughness. The Sport Psychologist, 31, 299-307.
  • Uphill, M.A., Sly, D., & Swain, J. (2016). From mental health to mental wealth in athletes: looking back and moving forward. Frontiers in Psychology, 7, 935.
  • Uphill, M. A., Rossato, C., O’Driscoll, J., & Swain, J. (2019). Challenge and threat in sport: A critical review of the literature and new conceptualisation. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 1255.

Research Projects

  • An examination of sports coach mentoring practice, post-formal coach education/qualification, with particular focus on mentoring policy and development by sports NGBs.. Researcher(s): Mr Alister Fulton. Supervisor(s): Mr Jon Swain, Dr Katie Dray, Dr Mark Uphill. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • Bodybuilding as a Means of Articulating Post-Traumatic Growth - The Hero’s Journey. Researcher(s): Ms Emma Foster. Supervisor(s): Dr James Brighton, Dr Mark Uphill. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • Doctoral Research Project. Researcher(s): Mr Matthew Tithecott. Supervisor(s): Mr Jon Swain, Dr Mark Uphill. [Postgraduate Research Project (past)]
  • Exploring the effects of perceived social support and stress on recovery from skin barrier disruption.. Researcher(s): Mr Matthew Cunliffe. Supervisor(s): Dr Katie Dray, Dr Mark Uphill. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • This is to be delivered by the candidate and put to the examiners.. Researcher(s): Mr Michael Walsh. Supervisor(s): Dr Nicholas Furze, Dr Andrew Butler. [Postgraduate Research Project]

Mark has, and continues to engage in a range of external activities. These include, acting as an external examiner on undergraduate (BSc Sport and Exercise Science). masters (MSc in Sport and Exercise Psychology) and Doctoral programmes. Mark has been an integral member of a number of external organisations including the British Psychological Society's Division of Behaviour Change Advisory Group and has been Hon Sec for the Division of Sport and Exercise Psychology. Mark supervises and assesses on the BPS' qualification in sport and exercise psychology. Mark has been a BASES reviewer and supervisor and is now acting as the external examiner on the new SEPAR accredited programme.