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Mr Mark Hayton

Work Based Assessor in Policing

School of Law, Policing and Social Sciences

I am a Work Based Tutor Assessor involved with CCCU's Policing Courses

I joined CCCU in November 2022.  

Prior to that, I spent 5 years working part-time in the Road Safety Department of Kent County Council and before that 30 years in Kent Police.  

Over half of my time was as a Uniform Inspector based in Tactical Operations and the Force Control Room, taking tactical command of critical incidents and spontaneous firearms incidents.  

Whilst serving I obtained a Diploma in Policing Studies, a Post Graduate Diploma in Management Studies (distinction) and a Masters Degree in Management Studies (distinction) - all with CCCU.  

I can there appreciate first-hand some of the pressures brought to bear on Student Police Officers trying to balance their work/studies/life and delighted to be able to support them to succeed on the programmes.  

I support Police Student Officers on the Police Constable Degree Apprenticeship, Degree Holder Entry Programme and the Detective Degree Holder Entry Programme.