Professor Lynn Revell

Faculty Director of Research

Faculty of Arts, Humanities & Education Faculty Office

Faculty Director of Research

I am a  Professor in the Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Education and I specialise in religion and education, RE and Islam and education. I am the Director of Research for the Faculty. I teach on the EdD and supervise doctora students. I am currently researching how the Prevent Duty impacts on schools and the ways in which Islam is presented in resources and the wider curriculum. 

Religious Education, Islam, the representation of religions in education. Faith, beliefs and values in education.

I am currently involved in a research project with Professor Cooling looking at the use of the What if Learning? In schools. Previously I have been the lead investigator in a number of projects, including:

  • RE NET – 2002 – 2006. (£120,000 – Funded by the TDA). The development of a resource bank in RE for teachers and teacher educators for the TTRB. I was the lead name on this project and the editor.
  • Character Formation in Schools and the Education of Teachers. 2002 – 2004. (£ 42,000 – Funded by The Esmee Fairbairn Foundation) A yearlong study between the way student teachers in two universities understood their role as moral educators in the context of Character Education.
  • Christian student RE teacher’s objectivity and professionalism. 2007 - 2009 (£30,000 – Funded by the Jerusalem Trust). A study of Christian students in three universities with a Christian foundation. I initiated and lead this two year project. The project aimed to explore and contrast the experiences of Christian students with their agnostic and atheist peers in relation to concepts of objectivity and professionalism.
  • Career choices for male BME pupils in relation to the early Years. 2008 – 2009 (£ 17,000 – Funded by the TDA). An investigation into the reasons black and Asian young men do not consider careers in primary and Early Years professions.
  • Crime and Punishment; children’s understanding of the law and citizenship. ( £12,000 – Funded by Kent Police and The Children’s Society). This was a combined research and development project. It aimed to investigate the way children understood the function of the law and to develop materials that could support teachers in lessons about the law.

Research Projects

  • “Exploring Inclusive Education (IE): A Critical Race Ethnographic (CRE) Study of a Satellite Group - Father to Father (F2F)”. Researcher(s): Mrs Adebisi Adetoba. Supervisor(s): Dr Ruth Rogers, Professor Lynn Revell. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • “You gotta practise what you preach.” How non-English teachers conceptualise fundamental British values. Researcher(s): Ms Katerina Vackova. Supervisor(s): Dr Gemma Van Vuuren-Cassar, Professor Lynn Revell. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • ‘How can Romantic poetry be taught well at A’ level?’. Researcher(s): Ms Rebecca Udowiczenko. Supervisor(s): Dr Andrew Humphries, Professor Lynn Revell. [Postgraduate Research Project (past)]
  • A cooperative Inquiry: An investigation into the training needs of Christian Leaders supporting congregants with mental health issues receiving treatment.. Researcher(s): Dr JOSIAH ANYINSAH. Supervisor(s): Professor Trevor Cooling, Professor Lynn Revell. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • A Critical Policy Analysis of Social Inequality in Education in England linked to the United Kingdom’s Engagement with International Assessments in the Twenty-First Century and the Implications of these Initiatives for Disadvantaged Pupils. Researcher(s): Dr Marilyn Nadesan. Supervisor(s): Professor Lynn Revell, Dr Ruth Rogers. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • A Postcolonial History of Education in Pakistan: 1947 to 1967. Researcher(s): Mr Zulfi Ali. Supervisor(s): Professor Adrian Holliday, Professor Lynn Revell. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • A Study of Humour Use in Primary School Staff Meetings. Researcher(s): Mr Justin Smith. Supervisor(s): Dr Christian Beighton, Professor Lynn Revell. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • African Pentecostal Hermeneutics: An exploration of the relationship between African Pentecostals Hermeneutical Approach to the Bible and the Healthcare Decision-Making process of the Adherents. (A study among selected African Pentecostal Churches in London).. Researcher(s): Rev Nana Kyei-Baffour. Supervisor(s): Professor Lynn Revell, Dr Ruth Rogers. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • An investigation into teacher perceptions of educational research with a view to increasing their research literacy and criticality to enable better use of research in practice.. Researcher(s): Miss Lydia Ahern. Supervisor(s): Dr Phil Stone, Professor Lynn Revell. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • Doctoral Research Project. Researcher(s): Mr Matthew Tate. Supervisor(s): Professor Lynn Revell, Professor Bob Bowie. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • Doctoral Research Project. Researcher(s): Mrs Audrey Songhurst. Supervisor(s): Professor Lynn Revell, Professor Trevor Cooling. [Postgraduate Research Project (past)]
  • Doctoral Research Project. Researcher(s): Mr Martin Bedford. Supervisor(s): Professor Lynn Revell, Professor Trevor Cooling. [Postgraduate Research Project (past)]
  • Doctoral Research Project. Researcher(s): Dr Isabel Fischer. Supervisor(s): Dr Lyn Haynes, Professor Lynn Revell, Dr Christian Beighton. [Postgraduate Research Project (past)]
  • Doctoral Research Project. Researcher(s): Dr Paul Forbes. Supervisor(s): Dr Christian Beighton, Professor Lynn Revell. [Postgraduate Research Project (past)]
  • Doctoral Research Project. Researcher(s): Dr Graham Cable. Supervisor(s): Dr Judy Durrant, Professor Lynn Revell. [Postgraduate Research Project (past)]
  • Doctoral Research Project. Researcher(s): Dr Lloyd Hughes. Supervisor(s): Professor Lynn Revell, Professor Berry Billingsley. [Postgraduate Research Project (past)]
  • Doctoral Research Project. Researcher(s): Mr Thomas Fenley. Supervisor(s): Professor Lynn Revell, Professor Berry Billingsley. [Postgraduate Research Project (past)]
  • Doctoral Research Project. Researcher(s): Dr Stella Scharinger. Supervisor(s): Dr Sue Soan, Professor Lynn Revell. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • Doctoral Research Project. Researcher(s): Dr Warren Symes. Supervisor(s): Dr Sue Soan, Professor Lynn Revell, Professor Linden West. [Postgraduate Research Project (past)]
  • Doctoral Research Project. Researcher(s): Mr Seamus Murphy. Supervisor(s): Dr Christian Beighton, Professor Lynn Revell. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • Faux radicals: examining how teacher identity is created though the spectacles of inspections and observations. Researcher(s): Mr Joe McClure. Supervisor(s): Dr Mary Woolley, Professor Lynn Revell. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • Hegartymaths: gimmick or game changer?. Researcher(s): Dr Athanasios Gidaropoulos. Supervisor(s): Dr Gina Donaldson, Professor Lynn Revell. [Postgraduate Research Project (past)]
  • How do Headteachers establish, articulate and maintain an ethos that provides a compelling vision of Christian faith? An international comparative study of Christian leadership in Schools.. Researcher(s): Mrs Claire Gibson. Supervisor(s): Dr Mary Woolley, Professor Bob Bowie. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • Interpreting PE Teachers’ Personal Theories of Learning using Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis (IPA): A case study in a non-selective school in the South East of England.. Researcher(s): Mr Christopher Carpenter. Supervisor(s): Professor Lynn Revell, Dr Judy Durrant. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • Multiple Meanings of Mastery in Mathematics Education: A Q methodology study. Researcher(s): Dr Jennifer Shearman. Supervisor(s): Dr Lyn Haynes, Professor Lynn Revell. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • Perceptions of educational values from the perspectives of students and teachers at a case study school, in comparison with the school’s stated values and current government policy documents. It explores participants’ own priorities in terms of educational values, as well as student’s perceptions of teacher’s values, and teacher’s perceptions of student’s values.. Researcher(s): Dr Stephanie Burke. Supervisor(s): Dr Sabina Hulbert, Professor Bob Bowie, Professor Lynn Revell. [Postgraduate Research Project (past)]
  • Reading to Re-educate: An examination of the development and advantages of a culturally appropriate reading scheme for black students living in England.. Researcher(s): Dr Monica Grey. Supervisor(s): Dr Ruth Rogers, Professor Lynn Revell. [Postgraduate Research Project (past)]
  • Remembering birth; a narrative inquiry into older women's experiences of birth and their lifelong significance. Researcher(s): Dr Helen Muscat. Supervisor(s): Dr Nicola Kemp, Professor Lynn Revell. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • The aim of the paper is to investigate the relationship between my research questions, methodology and methods. Researcher(s): Mr Owen Madivani. Supervisor(s): Professor Lynn Revell, Reverend Dr Jeremy Law. [Postgraduate Research Project (past)]
  • THE IMPACT OF DAYDREAMING ON CREATIVE EXPLORATION AND PERSONAL CONNECTION WITH ENGLISH LITERARY TEXTS. Researcher(s): Dr Danielle Limos. Supervisor(s): Dr Andrew Humphries, Professor Lynn Revell, Dr Simon Wilson. [Postgraduate Research Project (past)]
  • The Politics of Place and Identity: the Territorialisation of the Labour Party. Researcher(s): Ms Jo Rothery. Supervisor(s): Professor David Bates, Dr Sarah Lieberman. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • The Process of Curriculum Development in Primary Academy Schools. A Research Study of Four Primary Academy Schools in Kent. Researcher(s): Dr Jayne True. Supervisor(s): Dr Ruth Rogers, Professor Lynn Revell. [Postgraduate Research Project (past)]
  • TURKISH-DUTCH MUSLIM AND ORTHODOX REFORMED PARENTS IN THE NETHERLANDS: RELIGIOUS IDENTITY NEGOTIATIONS IN CONTEXTS OF CHILDREN’S EDUCATION. Researcher(s): Ms Rosanne Aantjes. Supervisor(s): Professor Bob Bowie, Professor Lynn Revell. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • We have covered this within our joint report. We don't wish to impose the precise wording for this but have requested that the candidate ensure the title more accurately reflects the focus of the project and thesis, ie, teacher-directed drawing.. Researcher(s): Mrs Joy Mower. Supervisor(s): Dr Liz Hryniewicz, Professor Lynn Revell. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • What is Research? Exploration of practicing teachers views on the constitution and nature of educational research. Researcher(s): Ms Charlotte Cooper. Supervisor(s): Professor Lynn Revell, Dr Christopher Anderson. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • World views: a multidisciplinary approach to Islam and Christianity. Researcher(s): Professor Lynn Revell. [Project]

I founded and lead the Special Interest Group on Religious and Moral Education for the British Education Research Association.

I was invited to become a part of the Runnymede Trust Academic Forum in 2010 and I am a full member of the International Seminar for Religious and Values Education.