
Dr Luke Ewart

Principal Lecturer/School Director of Research and Scholarship & Research Supervisor

School of Allied and Public Health Professions

Luke is School Director of Research and Scholarship & Research Supervisor within the School of Allied and Public Health.

Following qualification as an ODP, I  mainly concentrated on the anaesthetic and recovery phase of perioperative care. After a period of consolidation in London and the South East, I moved to Amstelveen in Holland where I worked as an anaesthetic assistant (non-medical anaesthetist). I joined CCCU in 2001 and became the Course Director for Pre-registration Operating Department Practice in 2003, taking the ODP course through several validations as the profession itself has progressed. In particular, I led the development of the 2009 validation and the subsequent approval of the first BSc (Hons) Operating Department Practice in the country. I have remained the Course Director for the BSc (Hons) Operating Department Practice and am now also the Director of Research and Scholarship in the School of Allied and Public Health.

My main areas of teaching are Anaesthesia, Human Biology (anatomy & physiology), and Research Methodology, for both pre-registration and post registration students.

I have an interest in medical sociology as this forms the basis of much of my own research, and I am particularly interested in supervising research projects with a focus on this area or on research that examines implementation of interventions that improve the patient experience.

Research interests & Supervison

Do you want to do a research degree? Are you interested in Medicine, Health and Social Care or related topics? Then I would be pleased to hear from you.

Do you want to do a research degree? Are you interested in perioperative practice, improving the patient's experience or related topics? Then I would be pleased to hear from you.

The focus of my research is in understanding and implementing strategies that can improve the overall patient experience. My research activities focus on cultures of health care work and understanding the patients’ experience of undergoing surgery. I am interested in the use of an ethnographic approach to aid an understanding of the patient experience and support a theoretical interpretation of the behaviour and relationships that are enacted in the context of everyday life. Theoretically, these interests are informed by ethnomethodology, implementation science, medical sociology and anthropology. Methodologically, I have used ethnography, interviews, grounded theory and documentary analysis.

Research Projects

  • A Stepping Stone Towards the Implementation of ‘Opt-Out DNARs’: A Mixed Methods Study. Researcher(s): Ms Sophie Faulkner. Supervisor(s): Dr Luke Ewart, Dr Nicole Holt, Professor Eleni Hatzidimitriadou. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • An exploration of the impact of anatomy and physiology teaching and learning on the experience of newly qualified physiotherapists transitioning into autonomous practice and future career aspirations.. Researcher(s): Miss Julie Perkins. Supervisor(s): Dr Luke Ewart, Professor John Hammond. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • How can executive coaches’ prior career experience affect their relationships with their clients?. Researcher(s): Mr Robin Hindle Fisher. Supervisor(s): Professor Bob Garvey, Professor David Lane. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • Nurses mitigation of the moral injury experienced when performing corridor care for patients.. Researcher(s): Mrs Sarah Shingler. Supervisor(s): Professor Chris Burton, Dr Luke Ewart, Professor Paula Kersten. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • Operating Department Practitioner (ODP) workforce reform. Researcher(s): Dr Luke Ewart, Professor John Hammond, Ms Danni James, Mr Kris Birney, Mr Alan Mount. [Project]
  • Realist Evaluation of Role Transition Programmes for Allied Health Professions. Researcher(s): Mrs Maria Mitchell. Supervisor(s): Dr Luke Ewart, Dr Ali Eyden. [Postgraduate Research Project]

I am a Fitness to Practice Partner with the Health and Care Professions Council, responsible as part of a panel, for considering information and evidence presented to the panel to reach well-reasoned and fair decisions on ODP registrants' fitness to practice cases.

I am a Visitor Partner for the Health and Care Professions Council, responsible for visiting and addressing existing and proposed education and training programmes delivered by education partners for the provision of ODP education. Furthermore, I am a member of the editorial board for the Journal of Perioperative Practice.

I have acted as External Examiner for other Universities and undertaken External Adviser/Subject Expect role for programme development at other Universities delivering ODP Education. I also undertook an active role in the recent review of the HCPC Standards of Proficiency for the ODP profession.