At CCCU, I am employed as a Senior Lecturer in the Social Work team. I am a trained Hydra Facilitator and a Recruitment and Marketing lead for the Social Work team. I am also a Personal Academic Tutor, a Placement Tutor and a Dissertation Supervisor.
I joined the Social Work team in August 2021. I have gained my front line experiences working in a range of settings, including working as a Mental Health Social Worker in an inner city London borough. I also have experience working as a Criminal Justice Social Worker/Probation Officer in Kent. Before completing my masters degree in Social Work, I have also spent time as a group work facilitator for the Probation Service in which I delivered a range of HMPPS CBT accredited programmes to groups of domestic abuse perpetrators and also delivered one to one interventions with the aim of rehabilitation. I also have experience of working in police custody as a Designated Detention Officer and as an emergency 999 call handler for the London Ambulance Service. Prior to becoming an academic, I was a Team Manager for the largest probation team in Kent.
My specialisms and interests include law, domestic abuse, safeguarding, interprofessional working, neurodiversity and student wellbeing.
I have a Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice (distinction), a MA in Social Work Practice (distinction), and a BSc in Applied Social Sciences (Criminology and Psychological Studies) (2.1).