DrKristyHowells (002)

Dr Kristy Howells


School of Psychology and Life Sciences

Dr Kristy Howells a Reader in Children's Health, Sport Pedagogy and Physical Education within Sport, Exercise and Rehabilitation Sciences.

My research expertise is in the field of physical activity interventions, physical activity, and mental health, as well as public health and nutrition. I am the current Chair of the Early Years Special Interest Group for the International Association of Physical Education in Higher Education (AIESEP). I am also an ambassador for the Children's Alliance and a member of the Cross Party Parliamentary Group on Fit and Healthy Childhood. I am passionate about cycling and is a former World Masters Track Champion for Individual Sprints. I work across multiple disciplines and I am open to supervising new Masters and Doctorate level students, just get in touch via email - kristy.howells@canterbury.ac.uk 

I am a two time winner of the University Teaching Excellence Award for my teaching and learning. The first one in 2012 was for my trial blazing approach to teaching and learning for part time students and the support I had developed through the use of online learning. At this time I was also awarded my Senior Fellowship to the Higher Education Academy. The second time I won was in 2021, when I made the "impossible possible", and developed ways to teach Physical Education, Physical Development and Physical Activity online, whilst my programmes remained online throughout COVID-19 (for approximately 18 months). I have also won 6 Golden Apple Awards, for my outstanding student support and going above and beyond to help students. These awards are run by the students and the Student Union.

I currently teach in the fields of Physical Education, Physical Development, Health Education, Wellbeing as well as Research Methodology. I teach across a wide range of programmes including: all the initial teaching programmes for Primary Education (level 4 -7). I also supervise medical students through their scientific basis of medicine and their independent research project modules. I teach physical development within the Development Psychology modules within Psychology. I also supervise Master's by Research and PhD students within Sport, Exercise and Rehabilitation Sciences. I also supervise PhD and EdD students within both the disciplines of Health and Education. 


I am the Deputy Chair of Ethics for the Faculty and I act up as Chair during summer cover. I have contributed to the new animal ethics policy within the University. I have external and internal examined for Doctorate level students, as well as seeing my own students through to completion. I also supervise Master's by Research students. My research expertise is in the field of physical activity interventions, physical activity and mental health, physical education, physical development as well as public health and children's diet and nutrition (specifically fluid intake).

My doctorate worked focused on children's physical activity levels that occurred within the primar school setting and the contribution Physical Education lessons make to children's overall measured physical activity levels within the school day. It investigated children’s perceived level of physical activity and compared this with children’s physical activity measured by accelerometers. The majority of previous physical activity research has focused on secondary aged children and adults, with little on physical activity levels achieved by primary aged children within school time, or on the comparison between infants (6 – 7 year olds) and juniors (9 – 10 year olds). Data were collected within a case study setting in one school, over one school year. 20 children, 10 infants and 10 juniors wore Actigraph accelerometers to record physical activity intensity levels throughout the school day. A repeated measures 3 factor ANOVA was used to analyse the effects of factors including the following: type of day (PE days / Non PE days); year group (infants / juniors); parts of the day (curriculum time / morning break / lunchtime / afternoon break) and gender (male / female). P values of <0.05 were taken as the value for statistical significance ± one standard deviation. The findings revealed that children were more physically active on school days that included Physical Education lessons. Boys were more physically active at a moderate to vigorous level than girls. Junior boys were able to accumulate 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity within the school day on a day that included Physical Education lessons and in doing so reached the World Health Organisation's (WHO, 2010) recommendations for children’s physical activity within the school day. Children’s perceived physical activity levels matched their accelerometer recordings, in particular for junior boys during break time and for girls during Physical Education lessons.

My research interests include children's health, children's physical activity levels, physical eduaction, children's diet and nutrition specifically fluid and hydration. As well a teaching and learning within HE.


My research outputs are accessible here

Most recently I published a book on Mastering Primary Physical Education, with colleagues from my team.

My thesis is accessible here .

Research Projects

  • ‘How do we Prepare Children for Competition?’. Researcher(s): Miss Emily Milne. Supervisor(s): Mr Rich Little, Dr Kristy Howells. [Postgraduate Research Project (past)]
  • An investigation into how interventions can help support young children's physical development.. Researcher(s): Miss Ellie Huggett. Supervisor(s): Dr Kristy Howells, Dr Damian Coleman. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • An Investigation into Rugby Union players Knowledge and Understanding of Concussion. Researcher(s): Mr Daniel Bromley. Supervisor(s): Dr Kristy Howells, Dr Laura Gubby. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • An investigation into the confidence and competence of Physical Education secondary teachers in the delivery of cognitive science strategies.. Researcher(s): Miss Paige Waldron. Supervisor(s): Dr Kristy Howells, Dr Laura Gubby, Dr Damian Coleman. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • An Investigation into the Physical Education Experiences of Children with Autism. Researcher(s): Miss Maddy Chapman. Supervisor(s): Dr Laura Gubby, Dr Kristy Howells. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • Aqualusa Revista Lusofona de Desportos Aquaticos. Researcher(s): Dr Kristy Howells. [Project report]
  • Doctoral Research Project. Researcher(s): Mr Neil Castle. Supervisor(s): Dr Kristy Howells, Dr Laura Gubby. [Postgraduate Research Project (past)]
  • Doctoral Research Project. Researcher(s): Dr Helene Cohen. Supervisor(s): Dr Kristy Howells, Dr Ruth Rogers. [Postgraduate Research Project (past)]
  • Effective coaching interventions to improve communication, collaboration and confidence in people with a developmental disability. Researcher(s): Mr Joshua Russell. Supervisor(s): Dr Katie Dray, Dr Kristy Howells. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • How can Makaton be embedded in the School Community?. Researcher(s): Miss Katie Potts. Supervisor(s): Dr John-Paul Riordan, Dr Kristy Howells. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • Impact upon specialist physical education training for teachers, with relation to their own professional development.. Researcher(s): Miss Charlotte Moore. Supervisor(s): Dr Kristy Howells, Dr Damian Coleman. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • Personalisation of physiotherapy care in chronic respiratory disease. Researcher(s): Ms Sarah O'Neill. Supervisor(s): Dr Kristy Howells, Dr Hayley Mills. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • The creation, modification, implementation, and assessment of a hydration education pack. To develop children's and teachers' knowledge and understanding of fluid intake.. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • The exploration of the true self through creative therapeutics.. Researcher(s): Mr THOMAS DELAHUNT. Supervisor(s): Dr Kristy Howells, Dr Jonathan Barnes, Professor Eleni Hatzidimitriadou. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • The importance of physical education in secondary education in promoting long term-physical activity. The differences in opportunities to play sport in different types of school.. Researcher(s): Miss MEGAN DORNAN. Supervisor(s): Dr Laura Gubby, Dr Kristy Howells. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • The perceived impact of CPD on early career science teachers. Researcher(s): Mr Jamie Pout. Supervisor(s): Dr Kristy Howells, Dr Laura Gubby. [Postgraduate Research Project]

I am the Chair for the Early Years Special Interest Group for AIESEP, as well as being a board member. I am Charity Director for Inclusive Cycling, Left Turn Cycling. I am an Executive member of Physical Primary Education Assembly as well as being an Ambassador for the Children's Alliance and a member of the Cross Party Parliamentary Group on Fit and Healthy Childhood. I was a finalist in 2024 for FameLab South-East Regional Finalist, the Largest Public Facing Science Communication Competition and Training Programme in the World. I am former World Champion for Individual Masters Track Sprinting. I am also a former two time Para-cycling British Champion, as well as multiple podium winner in National, European and World Track Cycling.