International Expert for Physical Education and Children’s Physical Activity - OECD, ICSSPE and UNESCO and FIEP
Howells K., and Sääkslahti, A. (2019) (eds) Physical Activity Recommendations For Early Childhood. An international analysis of 10 different countries’ current national physical activity policies and practices for those under the age of 5. In Federation Internationale D’education Phisique (FIEP, 2019) Physical Education in Early Childhood Education and Care: Researches – Best Practice Situation.
Invited to contribute to OECD Future of Education 2030 Position Paper, named on the list of contributors – published January 2018
Acted as the England representative within the OECD: The Future of Education and Skills: Education 2030 – Physical Education Project. Named on list of contributors and published 2019 – OECD Future of Education 2030. Making Physical Education Dynamic and Inclusive for 2030. International Curriculum Analysis -
Invited to attend and participate in the Think Tank as the Early Years expert for Physical Activity and Physical Education by the International Council of Physical Education and Sport and UNESCO, Germany, November 2017.
I am a board member of the International Association of Physical Education in Higher Education (AIESEP) as well as the secretary and co-lead of the Early Years Special Interest Group.
Active Engagement in Subject Associations
All Party Parliamentary Group on Fit and Healthy Childhood (2019 onwards)
BUCS physical activity research group (2019 onwards)
The Daily Mile Foundation Expert Research Steering Group (2018 onwards)
Contributed to the CIMSPA – Early Years Practitioner guidelines.
Early Years Physical Activity SIG AIESEP active UK member and Secretary (2016 onwards).
World Organisation for Early Childhood Education (OMEP) (2015 onwards).
Association for Physical Education (AfPE) South East Executive Group member (2014 onwards).
Honoured Speaker
Invited honoured speaker to present 3 key note speeches at the 5th China Early Childhood Education Conference & Early Childhood Education, to 15,000 participants.
International Principal Investigator for UK
Morgado L.D.S., De Martelaer K., D’Hondt E., Barnett L.M., Costa A.M., Howells K., Sääkslahti A., Jidovtseff B. (2020). Pictorial Scale of Perceived Water Competence: Manual Testing. 1st Edition. Early Years SIG AIESEP.
Morgado, L.D.S, De Martelaer, K., Costa, A. M., Sääkslahti, A., Howells, K., Barnett, L., D'Hondt, E., Jidovtseff, B. (2019). Pictorial scale of perceived water competences. The building of a new tool adapted to the children. Presentation at the Healthy and active Children Meeting. September 2019, Verona, Italy.
Sporting Achievements:
Masters World Silver Medal Team Pursuit 2019.
National Indoor Rowing Bronze Medallist Lightweight 500m 2019.
Talented Athlete for Ashford Leisure Trust Talented Athlete Programme, 2016, 2017, 2019, 2020.