Karl Bentley

Mr Karl Bentley

Senior Lecturer

School of Teacher Education

Based in the Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Education

Following a long career in power and control engineering entered Primary teaching via the GTP route to eventually become an AST in ICT. Now works across School of Teacher Education and Develeopment as Programme Director for PGCE 7-14 as well as teaching Science, Computing and  History as well as Education and Academic studies and Enhanced Studies across full time and part time ITE courses.  Supports students as both a Personal and Academic Tutor, a Placement Tutor and a Link Tutor. Supports fellow tutors as a PGCAP Mentor. Part of the Epistemic Insight research team and fellow of the HEA and Founding Fellow of the College of Teaching.

Science and Computing in the Primay School, Education and Academic Studies, Diversity and Participation.

Link Tutor and Placement Mentor

Fellow of Higher Education Academy

Member of the Epistemic Insight research team

Previously a member of the Erasmus Palestine research group.

Supported and taught on the Photography Workshop for Blind, Visually Impaired and Sighted Students using iPads, Smartphones and Cameras

Researched for the TDA on how teachers confidence levels can be enhanced by the use of digital technologies in the classroom.

Founding Fellow of the College of Teaching.