Mrs Julie Critcher

Senior Lecturer (SCHPN School Nurse Course)

School of Nursing

Julie is a Lecturer and Course Director for University Certificate Community Public Health Nursing.

I qualified as an Adult Nurse in 1982 and worked predominantly in the field of Emergency Department nursing until 1994 when I moved to a role in School Nursing. I commenced as a Band 5 staff nurse and held posts at Band 8a,7 and 6 before joining the University in February 2022.

During 2001-2002, I undertook the BSc (Hons) Specialist Community Public Health Nurse (SCPHN)- School Nurse pathway at Canterbury Christ Church University. In 2007, I achieved a Post Graduate Certificate in Professional Education. I worked with the SCPHN team during 2008-2018 on a 1-day a week secondment opportunity. This provided me with some insight into the role of an academic. When the secondment ended, I became a Sessional Lecturer on the University Certificate Community Public Health Nursing (UCCPHN). This short course is aimed at staff nurses working in the field of Health Visiting or School Nursing practice.

I joined CCCU in 2022 as a Lecturer for the Negotiated Learning/Professional Development module. I have taught across various programmes and currently am the Course Director for the University Certificate Community Public Health Nursing.

I worked as a Practice Teacher for a number of years, supporting School Nurse Students in practice on the SCPHN programme.

2008-2018: Lecturer on SCPHN programme, covering early intervention 5-19, school aged children and young people, e.g. school readiness, puberty and adolescent brain development and safeguarding children and young people.

2018-2023: Sessional role lecturing on UCCPHN

2022: Lecturer for Negotiated Learning/Professional Development module

2023: SCPHN programme/School Nurse lead and UCCPHN

2024: UCCPHN

I am interested in workplace culture and the impact on student learning experience: long term health conditions in children and young people: safeguarding children and young people: how to evidence public health/school nursing outcomes more effectively.

  • I work 1 day a week for the School and Public Health Nurses Association (SAPHNA) as a Deputy Professional Officer, leading on the Research and Education workstream. 
  • School Nurse Chair for review of the Nursing and Midwifery Council SCPHN proficiencies.