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Mr Jonathan Schwochert

Senior Lecturer in Games Design

School of Creative Arts & Industries

Lecturer in Games Design

Jon teaches on the Games Design course and occasionally for other courses in the School of Creative Arts and Industries. He specialises in 2D art subjects that include graphic design, illustration, semiotics and more.

Previously, Jon has taught at University for the Creative Arts, University of Hertfordshire, multiple universities in China, Otis College of Art and Design, and private ateliers in the UK and France. 

Jon focuses on broadening the impact of research and public arts by promoting it to wider audiences through digital and more accessible forms of media.

Research Projects

  • Being Human: Kent - Women Making Sense. Researcher(s): Dr Susan Civale, Mrs Helen Wright, Ms Peggy Riley, Mr William Hill, Dr Sonia Overall, Mr Jon Schwochert, Dr Rachael Stone, Dr Astrid Stilma. [Project]

Jon continues to take freelance commissions outside of his teaching. His work has been published by Nintend Co., The Pokémon Company, Wandsworth Council, Medway Council, The Electric Medway Festival, Artist and Illustrator Magazine, Self Made Hero, Rising Sun Comics and many other smaller clients. He has also self-published on platforms such as ComiXology and Comix Central.