Dr Jim Wiles

My main teaching expertise lies in the discipline of Sport and Exercise Physiology.

" Dr Jim Wiles, BA, MPhil, CertEd, graduated with a 1st class honours in Movement Studies and Education from Canterbury Christ Church University and then completed an MPhil in Exercise Physiology (Kent University) which examined the effects of caffeine on high intensity running performance. "

I completed my PhD, focused on the effects of isometric exercise on selected cardiovascular variables with specific reference to blood pressure.

I am a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and currently sits on the Section steering group responsible for ensuring the continued development and success of the suite of Sport and Exercise Science degree pathways.

I also play an active role in the delivery of postgraduate provision within both the Section and wider University. Over the last 15 years I have developed a world leading research profile in the area of isometric exercise and blood pressure management, which has led to a number of successful funding applications in recent years.  

I am a keen sportsman who actively participates in a wide range of sports and outdoor activities. 

Before deciding to teach full-time in Higher Education, I worked as a personal trainer and fitness consultant. Since then, I have logged over 25 years teaching at both undergraduate and postgraduate level, with more recent responsibility for the following:  

  • Level 4 (year 1) Orientation to Higher Education Introduction to the physiology of exercise Exploring human physiology Investigating sport and exercise science Fitness training methods - training for sport Sport, Exercise and Fitness
  • Level 5 (year 2) Physiology of Sport and Exercise Exercise planning for health and fitness Sport and Exercise Training
  • Level 6 (year 3) Physiological issues in sport and exercise Sporting Extremes Individual study supervision MSc Physiological support services in sport The scientific basis of training prescription Advanced laboratory techniques Dissertation supervision Further activities M.Phil. / PhD. supervision Mentor on PGCLT (HE)

My main area of research expertise lies in the health related field of isometric exercise and blood pressure, although other areas of interest include: nutritional supplementation, strength & conditioning and cycling performance. I have presented his research at numerous national and international conferences around the world and has an extensive list of publications in peer reviewed journals.

I am totally committed to the University's philosophy of research informed teaching and as Director of the Clinical Exercise Science research team was a key member of the UoA 24 steering group and contributor in the last Research Excellence Framework (REF) submission in 2022. In keeping with this philosophy I have made a significant contribution to a significant number of successful PhD completions to date and, in addition to my undergraduate and postgraduate teaching responsibilities, am currently on the supervisory panel for six more doctoral projects taking place within the Section.

My strong academic profile and long standing membership of professional bodies, such as the European College of Sport Science (ECSS) and the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) have led to him becoming a reviewer for at least six international academic journal publications and a respected contributor to several non-academic publications including the UK Strength & Conditioning Association Journal.

I am keen to explore additional ways of ensuring that the sport and exercise related programmes, I help to lead remain current and as vocationally orientated as possible. This has led to some interesting links over recent years not least with The Chartered Institute for the Management of Sport and Physical Activity (CIMSPA) who administer the Register of Exercise Professionals (REPS).

Along with partners at the University of Kent and East Kent NHS trust, I have successfully secured National Institute of Health Research (NIHR) to assess the feasibility of isometric exercise training (IET) to treat Stage 1 hypertensives in an NHS setting. I am currently exploring further funding opportunities to develop this promising area of research both nationally and internationally.

Research Projects

  • Acute performance enhancement in sport. Researcher(s): PROF Mark Godwin. Supervisor(s): Dr Damian Coleman, Dr Jim Wiles. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • Doctoral Research Project. Researcher(s): Mr Samuel Bull. Supervisor(s): Dr Jamie O'Driscoll, Dr Jim Wiles, Dr Damian Coleman. [Postgraduate Research Project (past)]
  • Doctoral Research Project. Researcher(s): Dr Philip Anthony. Supervisor(s): Dr Damian Coleman, Dr Jim Wiles. [Postgraduate Research Project (past)]
  • Doctoral Research Project. Researcher(s): Dr James Donaldson. Supervisor(s): Dr Jamie O'Driscoll, Dr Jim Wiles. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • Doctoral research project. Researcher(s): Mr James Fuller. Supervisor(s): Dr Damian Coleman, Dr Jim Wiles. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • Effects of isometric exercise training in heart failure patients with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF).. Researcher(s): Mrs Claire Compton. Supervisor(s): Dr Jamie O'Driscoll, Dr Jim Wiles. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • Hormonal and non-hormonal contraceptive considerations when working with elite sport women. Researcher(s): Mr Guy Pitchers. Supervisor(s): Dr Jamie O'Driscoll, Dr Jim Wiles. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • Isometric Exercise Training. Researcher(s): Mr Sean Machak. Supervisor(s): Dr Philip Hurst, Dr Jim Wiles. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • The effect of isometric exercise training and detraining upon cardiovascular adaptation with special reference to resting blood pressure. Researcher(s): Mr Harry Swift. Supervisor(s): Dr Jim Wiles, Dr Damian Coleman. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • The effects of standard lifestyle advice with isometric exercise training versus standard lifestyle advice with conventional aerobic exercise training upon resting blood pressure.. Researcher(s): Miss Elyse Thyer. Supervisor(s): Dr Jim Wiles, Dr Damian Coleman. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • External PhD. examiner; RMIT University, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, 2012-2016.
  • External Examiner BSc (Hons) Sport and Exercise Science; University of Suffolk, Ipswich, UK 2018-2022.
  • Lea, J.W., O’Driscoll, J.M., Hulbert, S., Scales, J. and Wiles. J.D. Criterion‐related validity of ratings of perceived exertion during resistance exercise in healthy participants: a meta‐analysis. European College of Sport Science, 23rd Annual Congress; Dublin, Ireland, 4-7 July, 2018.
  • Wiles. J.D., O’Driscoll, J.M., Coleman, D.A. and Lea, J.W. Validity of the Isometric Exercise Scale (IES) as a measure of intensity during isometric wall squat exercise at different workloads. European College of Sport Science, 23rd Annual Congress; Dublin, Ireland, 4-7 July 2018.
  • Donaldson, J.A., Wiles, J.D., Coleman, D.A.., Papadakis, M., Sharma, R. and O’Driscoll, J.M. Left ventricular function and cardiac biomarker release. The influence of exercise intensity, duration and mode: a systematic review and meta-analysis.    
  • ACSM’s 66th Annual meeting; Orlando, Florida, USA; 28 May - 1 June 2019.
  • Jalaludeen, N., Bull S., Taylor, K., Wiles, J., Coleman, D., Mukhtar O., Cheriyan, J., Wilkinson, I., Sharma, R. and O’Driscoll, J. Left atrial mechanics and aortic stiffness following high intensity interval training: a randomised controlled study.    European Association of Cardiovascular Imaging (EACVI) EuroEcho Congress; Vienna, Austria, 4-7 December 2019.
  • Wiles, J.D., Lea, J.W.D., Coleman, D.A., and O’Driscoll, J.M. A feasibility study examining the prescription of isometric exercise training for blood pressure management using rating of perceived exertion. British and Irish Hypertension Society Annual Scientific Meeting; York, United Kingdom 12-14 September 2022.
  • J M. O’Driscoll Edwards, J.J., Coleman, D.A., Taylor, K.A., Sharma, R. and Wiles, J.D. One-year of isometric exercise training for blood pressure management: a prospective randomized controlled study. British and Irish Hypertension Society Annual Scientific Meeting; York, United Kingdom, 12-14 September 2022.
  • Perceptions of healthcare professionals on the feasibility and implementation of a novel isometric exercise intervention for Stage 1 hypertension management. British and Irish Hypertension Society Annual Scientific Meeting; York, United Kingdom, 12- 14 September, 2022