Dr Ivan Khovacs

Course Director, BA Theology & BA Religion, Philosophy and Ethics

Dr. Khovacs teaches primarily in the areas of Christian Doctrine, Systematic Theology and Theology & Literature, and oversees teaching in Pastoral Theology. He also directs theological education and directs MA dissertations (Ministerial Theology and Ordained Ministry) in partnership with Church of England dioceses of Rochester, Southwark and Canterbury, as well as the Franciscan Internation Study Centre.

Research expertise includes theology and its intersections with theories of drama and the theatre, as well as film and the cinematic lens as theological analogues of seeing and being seen.

  • Apostolicity vs Catholicity: The future of ecumenism, ecclesiology and estrangement?. Researcher(s): Mr Matthew Summers. Supervisor(s): Dr Ralph Norman, Dr Ivan Khovacs. [Postgraduate Research Project (past)]
  • Developing Christian Socialism: The Christian socialist contribution to the narrative of the British left-wing’. Researcher(s): Mr Peter Walker. Supervisor(s): Dr Ivan Khovacs, Dr Brian Capper. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • Do remote communities on the Scottish islands use ultra conservative religious practices as a means of maintaining cultural identity in the face of a dwindling indigenous population?. Researcher(s): Dr YVONNE BENNETT. Supervisor(s): Dr Maria Diemling, Dr Ivan Khovacs. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • Doctoral Research Project. Researcher(s): Dr Steven Horne. Supervisor(s): Dr Ivan Khovacs, Dr Brian Capper. [Postgraduate Research Project (past)]
  • Faith, Work and Economics: from imago Dei to missio Dei. Researcher(s): PROF Kenneth Barnes. Supervisor(s): Dr Ivan Khovacs, Reverend Dr Jeremy Law. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • No Blame for Accidents: an examination of intention and moral responsibility in the Moral Philosophy of Kant and as developed by Nagel. Researcher(s): Mr George Moore. Supervisor(s): Dr Ralph Norman, Dr Ivan Khovacs. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • Research into the benefits of using multi-sensory learning styles in a church-based context.. Researcher(s): Ms Sally Musker. Supervisor(s): Dr Ivan Khovacs, Dr Ivan Khovacs. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • The dynamics of transnational migration: networks and religion among St. Kitts-Nevis migrants in 1950s-1960s Britain. Researcher(s): Mrs Shirley Pemberton. Supervisor(s): Dr Maria Diemling, Dr Ivan Khovacs. [Postgraduate Research Project (past)]
  • The Pilgrim-Writer: The transformative potential of the language arts and pilgrimage – an embodied investigation of self, drawing on theory and practice, including my own direct experience of contemporary pilgrimage and ‘languaging’.. Researcher(s): Ms Victoria Field. Supervisor(s): Dr Sonia Overall, Professor Carolyn Oulton. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • Theological underpinnings to horror genre: Evil as the private of the good (Augustine) Theodicy an inherent thesis in horror film. Researcher(s): Mr Lewis Hughan. Supervisor(s): Dr Ivan Khovacs, Dr Andrew Butler. [Postgraduate Research Project (past)]
  • TURKISH-DUTCH MUSLIM AND ORTHODOX REFORMED PARENTS IN THE NETHERLANDS: RELIGIOUS IDENTITY NEGOTIATIONS IN CONTEXTS OF CHILDREN’S EDUCATION. Researcher(s): Ms Rosanne Aantjes. Supervisor(s): Professor Bob Bowie, Professor Lynn Revell. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • ‘Theatre of the poor: the theological turn in Augusto Boal’s performance of powerlessness’, paper presented for Theology & Religious Studies Research Seminar, CCCU, 16 January 2012.
  • ‘Theodrama: Portrait of an Analogy in Search of a Praxis, an Actor in Search of a Stage’, Public Lecture Series, Regent College, University of British Columbia (Dec. 2010)
  • ‘Theology, Aesthetics and Culture: Conversations with the Work of David Brown‘, Short Academic Papers Chair, University of St Andrews (August 2010)
  • ‘Through glass darkly: seeing film in theological perspective’, ITIA Research Seminar, University of St Andrews (May 2010)
  • ‘Trinitarian Aesthetic and the Theatre’, Theology Research Seminar, Theology & Religious Studies, Liverpool Hope University (2009)
  • ‘Taste and see: ‘props’ and dramatic presence in the Eucharist, ITIA Research Colloquium, University of St Andrews (May 2005).