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Dr Emma Denby

Predominantly I have explored how the human vestibular system (AKA our balance organs) can shape cognition and mental well-being.

Predominantly I have worked with a team from the University of Kent (UoK) to explore how the human vestibular system (AKA our balance organs) can shape cognition and mental well-being. The overriding aim of this research was to translate theoretical knowledge of vestibular cognition into clinically relevant applications that not only improve but deepen our understanding of mental health and well-being concerns in several brain-injured and psychiatric populations.

Previously, I have used neuromodulation techniques such as caloric (CVS) and galvanic (GVS) vestibular stimulation, to ameliorate the symptoms of hemi-spatial neglect, minimally conscious/vegetative states, depersonalisation derealisation disorder, moderate and mild traumatic brain injury (TBI) with the NHS and UoK. I have also used transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) in neurologically healthy populations to examine the effects of GVS in neuroplastic change. Other neurophysiological outcomes I have utilised are EEG, eye-tracking, EMG: muscle, heart rate and galvanic skin conductance recordings, where I have examined the effects of GVS/CVS in neuroplasticity, attention and egocentric perception. I also worked at the Kings Centre for Military Health Research where I provided an efficacy test battery for a mental fitness intervention ‘HeadFIT’ for the Ministry of Defence and Royal Foundation.

My current research concerns understanding how the vestibular system might influence symptoms that arise from military mTBI and PTSD. I conducted an epidemiological study in collaboration with Combat Stress that showed not only high prevalence rates of mTBI and PTSD, but how the vestibular system can independently influence these conditions and disability in UK military veterans. This is clinically relevant as it may indicate that if we treat the symptoms of imbalance, improvement might be seen in the symptoms of mTBI and PTSD. To this end, I am currently investigating vestibular influences in mTBI and PTSD in US veterans further with the Veterans Affairs Hospital Boston USA and Harvard Medical school. I am also working with the mTBI clinic at Stanford Hall Defence Medical Rehabilitation Centre, to determine if vestibular rehabilitation therapy can remediate the symptoms of mTBI in UK military personnel.

Research Projects

  • Exposure to light as a mediator of the impacts of circadian disturbances on behaviour and affective experiences. Researcher(s): Miss Krishnapriya Jayachandran. Supervisor(s): Professor Teresa D'Oliveira, Dr Emma Denby, Professor Sukhwinder Singh Shergill. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • Investigating the Epidemiology and Treatment of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (mTBI) in University Students. Researcher(s): Mr Aditya Sundaray. Supervisor(s): Dr Emma Denby, Dr Lance Slade. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • Neuropsychiatric Outcomes UK Military Veterans with Mild Traumatic Brain Injury and Vestibular Dysfunction (2019) Denby, E., Murphy, D., Busutti, W., Sakel, M. & Wilkinson, D. ACRM Annual Conference Chicago (USA)
  • Prevalence of Traumatic Brain Injury and Extent of Disability in UK Military Veterans (2019) Denby, E., Sakel, M. & Wilkinson, D. All Party Parliamentary Group for Acquired Brain Injury, The House of Commons (UK)
  • Neuro-behavioural Impairment in Military Veterans with Mild Traumatic Brain Injury and Vestibular Disorder (2018) E Denby., Murphy D., BusuttilW.,SakelM & Wilkinson D. Aix-Marseille Université, Marseille (France)
  • Neuropsychological Outcomes in UK Military Veterans with Mild Traumatic Brain Injury(2017) E Denby., D Wilkinson. TRACTS VA Hospital, Harvard, Boston (USA)

  • Neuropsychological Outcomes in UK Military Veterans with Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (2017) E Denby., D Wilkinson. 8th Brain Injury Multi-Disciplinary Conference, Kent & Canterbury Hospital (UK)

  • The Effects of Vestibular Stimulation on Motor Evoked Potentials (2016) E Denby., D Wilkinson., K Marques., K Millgate., J Brookes. BPS Research Seminar, Royal Holloway University of London (UK)

  • Can Galvanic Vestibular Stimulation Induce Lasting Relief from Hemi-Spatial Neglect? (2014) Sakel M., Wilkinson D., Zubko O., Higgins T., Pullicino P., Coulton S., Denby E. ACRM 91st Annual Conference, Toronto, (Canada)

  • Galvanic Vestibular Stimulation in Limb Spasticity (2014) Denby E., Sakel M., Wilkinson D., Zubko O. Spasticity Research in East Kent Symposium, Kent & Canterbury Hospital (UK)

  • The Effects of Vestibular Stimulation on Acquired BrainInjury (2014) Wilkinson D., Denby E., Ferguson H., Hulbert S., Rennalls S., Sakel M Experimental Psychology Society Workshop on Vestibular Cognition, University College London (UK)


  • Caloric & Galvanic Vestibular Stimulation a Meta-analysis of its Efficacy in a Neurologically Healthy and Brain Injured Populations (2013) Denby E., Wilkinson D., Hulbert R., Rennalls S., Gallagher M., Sakel M. R & D Annual Symposium 2013. William Harvey Hospital, Ashford (UK)

Non-accademic Dissemination

  • Dizziness Linked to Depression (2019) The Times Newspaper. Fisher., L.


  • Prevalence of Traumatic Brain Injury and Extent of Disability in UK Military Veterans. 16th October (2018). The House of Commons an all-Party Parliament Committee Discussion: Improving Health and Well-being for People with Brain Injury.

  • Meet Your Brain (2014) ITV Meridian News.