I undertake various research, training and development activities on my own and other colleagues. I am a reviewer for the International Journal of ICT Research in Africa and the Middle East (IJICTRAME), available at https://www.igi-global.com/journal/international-journal-ict-research-africa/152035. Additionally, I serve as the director of a development NGO called AHEAD, which can be found at https://aheadcharity.org/. Furthermore, I have been actively supporting universities in Ethiopia by delivering training sessions on research, teaching, and assessment methods. As an active member of the Global Knowledge Exchange Network project, I had the opportunity to collaborate with colleagues and publish a book on knowledge exchange. I actively engage in research, training activities and conferences involving schools, colleges, universities and policymakers in Ethiopia to promote educational development and enhance learning outcomes. One of my external collaborations was setting up a network with Professor Ruth Jepson and other colleagues, where we established a partnership to connect health professionals at Bule Hora University (https://www.bhu.edu.et/) in Ethiopia with the Scottish Collaboration for Public Health Research and Policy (SCPHRP) at the University of Edinburgh (https://www.ed.ac.uk/health/research/current-research/scphrp). This collaboration involved scholars from over twenty countries worldwide.