Damian Coleman

Dr Damian Coleman

Section Director for Sport, Exercise and Rehabilitation Sciences

School of Psychology and Life Sciences

I lead the work at CCCU in the field of 'Sport, Exercise and Rehabilitation Sciences', with an outstanding team of staff.

By trade I am an exercise physiologist with a strong interest in nutrition and performance. I have responsibility for the programmes, research and the knowledge exchange activity that takes place in Sport, Exercise and Rehabilitation Sciences.

I set up the consultancy unit 'SportsLab' which provides consultancy services to sports people and provides our students with a 'consultancy informed' offer/experience. The consultancy sits alongside the research my colleagues and I undertake (I have been involved in the past 4 research excellence audits at CCCU) of which 86% is graded as internationally excellent or world leading.

I teach across physiology, nutrition, and research methods, across all levels of study (from foundation level to PhD studies).

I have supervised 15 PhD students to completion and have worked as an external examiner at numerus UK and international institutions. 

I contribute to the undergraduate and post graduate programmes in the areas of Exercise Physiology, Nutrition, Research Methods.

I thoroughly enjoy the challenge of teaching in these areas and is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.


I have a keen interest in data analysis in the sport and exercise sciences.

My research profile includes work on sport performance, health, psychology, and work-related issues (biomechanics of loaded walking), primarily in the areas of cycling efficiency, dehydration and running performance, training/nutritional/weight loss strategy and performance.

I supervise work in the areas of isometric exercise and health, and load carriage during exercise.

Research Projects

  • A quantitative assessment of first touch in association football. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • Acute performance enhancement in sport. Researcher(s): PROF Mark Godwin. Supervisor(s): Dr Damian Coleman, Dr Jim Wiles. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • Advanced cardiac imaging and haemodynamic assessment following isometric exercise training in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction.. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • An investigation into how interventions can help support young children's physical development.. Researcher(s): Miss Ellie Huggett. Supervisor(s): Dr Kristy Howells, Dr Damian Coleman. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • An investigation into the confidence and competence of Physical Education secondary teachers in the delivery of cognitive science strategies.. Researcher(s): Miss Paige Waldron. Supervisor(s): Dr Kristy Howells, Dr Laura Gubby, Dr Damian Coleman. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • Doctoral Research Project. Researcher(s): Dr Philip Anthony. Supervisor(s): Dr Damian Coleman, Dr Jim Wiles. [Postgraduate Research Project (past)]
  • Doctoral research project. Researcher(s): Mr James Fuller. Supervisor(s): Dr Damian Coleman, Dr Jim Wiles. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • Doctoral Research Project. Researcher(s): Mr Samuel Bull. Supervisor(s): Dr Jamie O'Driscoll, Dr Jim Wiles, Dr Damian Coleman. [Postgraduate Research Project (past)]
  • Goal Events in Football: An investigation into how football performance is impacted in a given time-period preceding a goal event.. Researcher(s): Mr Nathan Morris. Supervisor(s): Dr Damian Coleman, Dr Mathew Brown. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • Health education, a new curriculum within primary education settings. Researcher(s): Mr Max Mason. Supervisor(s): Dr Kristy Howells, Dr Damian Coleman. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • Mechanised orthosis for children with neurological disorders (MOTION) - Normative data collection. Researcher(s): Dr Damian Coleman, Dr Mathew Brown, Mr Markus Hunt, Professor Eleni Hatzidimitriadou. [Project report]
  • Placebo effects and cycling performance in virtual-reality and laboratory environments. Researcher(s): Mr Gui Garcia Matta. Supervisor(s): Dr Philip Hurst, Professor Andrew Edwards. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • Sport Performance Analysis in Rugby Union: What is the accuracy of a predictive model based on historical data in predicting Rugby Union team performance?. Researcher(s): Mr Max Elvin. Supervisor(s): Dr Mathew Brown, Dr Damian Coleman. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • Subconcious changes in movement to achieve a task-specific movement.. Researcher(s): Mr Gary Davy. Supervisor(s): Dr Mathew Brown, Dr Damian Coleman. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • Supplement use/placebo/RPE. Researcher(s): Mrs Coralene Mahoney. Supervisor(s): Dr Damian Coleman, Dr Jim Wiles. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • The barriers of children (aged 7 – 11) being competitive.. Researcher(s): Mr George Bussey. Supervisor(s): Dr Laura Gubby, Dr Kristy Howells, Dr Damian Coleman. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • The creation, modification, implementation, and assessment of a hydration education pack. To develop children's and teachers' knowledge and understanding of fluid intake.. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • The effect of isometric exercise training and detraining upon cardiovascular adaptation with special reference to resting blood pressure. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • The effects of standard lifestyle advice with isometric exercise training versus standard lifestyle advice with conventional aerobic exercise training upon resting blood pressure.. Researcher(s): Miss Elyse Thyer. Supervisor(s): Dr Jim Wiles, Dr Damian Coleman. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • The influence of nocebo on sports performance - what drives nocebo effects and how to minimise them; a multi-study design. Researcher(s): Ms Janina Hanssen. Supervisor(s): Dr Philip Hurst, Dr Damian Coleman, Dr James Cane. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • The perceived impact of specialist physical education training for primary school staff.. [Postgraduate Research Project]

I am currently working on projects including the Mechanised Orthosis for children with neurological disorders (MOTION) in conjunction with international partners.

In the past I was a very keen cyclist and enjoyed racing at local and national events.

I have been awarded national medals, such as a top ten finish in the British Best All-rounder competition, and a divisional silver medal on the road.