Dr Betty Featherstone-Sumarno

Lecturer in Global Business

Christ Church Business School

I am a lecturer in Global Business and an active researcher in energy transition with an interdisciplinary approach.

I received my PhD in energy economics, management, and policy from the Centre for Energy, Petroleum and Mineral Law & Policy, University of Dundee, UK in 2020. I did a master degree in MSc Oil and Gas, at Coventry University, UK (2012) and a bachelor study in Accounting at Universitas Padjadjaran, Bandung, Indonesia (2004).


I have extensive work experience from across the energy sector, working for international energy companies (CNOOC and Husky), government institutions (Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Republic of Indonesia), global accountants and consultancies (EY) and international institutions (IISD, ACE, Energy Charter Secretariat).


Currently I am a Lecturer in Global Business at Christ Church Business School, with teaching and researching as my main responsibilities.


My current research focuses on climate change, sustainability, and energy transition with an interdisciplinary approach. My research centres on economics & policy, finance, management and society (gender).


I have presented my research globally around the world in Europe, Latin America, Middle East, North America, Africa, and Asia. I have experience working with many different types of stakeholders, from international institutions (such as International Institute for Sustainable Development - IISD), intergovernmental organisations (such as ASEAN Centre for Energy - ACE), energy companies, academic institutions and local stakeholders and stakeholder analysis is another area of focus of mine. Having to focus on the energy transition globally, my research area has been expanded to environmental and energy sustainability.

I have been teaching at the Higher Education institution since 2019 and was awarded a Fellow of the HEA in 2023. My current teaching is in the areas of global business, economics, financial accounting and management. I also taught in the areas of project management, supply chain management, and oil & gas economics when I was a visiting lecturer at Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, Maputo, Mozambique (2019 – 2022).

In my previous teaching at another university, I won a Star Award Lecturer in 2023, awarded by the Student Union of this university.


Current teaching responsibilities at CCCU:

  • Global Business,
  • International Business Strategy,
  • Economics for Business,
  • Research Method,
  • Thesis/Dissertation,
  • Financial Accounting,

My research focus on climate change, sustainability, and energy transition with an interdisciplinary approach. My research centres on economics & policy, finance, management and society (gender).

I am a member of British Academy Management - Early Career Researcher Network.


Consultancy, Research Analyst and Research Fellowship Experience

2022 ASEAN Centre for Energy (1 March 2022 – 30 June 2022) ASEAN RE-Gender Roadmap Lead Consultant Developed Roadmap on Accelerating ASEAN Renewable Energy Deployment through Gender-Responsive Energy Policy
2021-2022 International Institute for Sustainable Development (1 November 2020 – 30 June 2022) Energy Policy Consultant - Indonesia
2017 & 2021 Energy Charter Secretariat, Brussels, Belgium Research Fellow (2017) and Consultant (2021) A project under the Investment Unit Department to assess the energy investment risk in participating countries. Data and Risk Assessment Analyst Gathered data, worked in a team developing to improve the Energy Investment Risk Assessment (EIRA) methodology and quantifying data from Orbis Cross Border Investment (see List of Publications).
2020 ASEAN Centre for Energy (7 September 2020 – 31 October 2020) ASEAN Climate Change and Energy Project (ACCEPT Project) Lead Consultant Reviewed and Analysed the ACCEPT Project and its impact on ASEAN countries. Conducted survey and interviews with stakeholders (35 stakeholders across ASEAN including International Institutions)
2019-2020 The Center for Energy, Petroleum and Mining Law Studies Faculty of Law, Universitas Brawijaya, Indonesia - A joint research project with the Universitas Brawijaya on Government Intervention in the Oil and Gas Sector in Indonesia. - Paper Title: Challenges in the Government’s Intervention in the Management of Oil and Gas Sector in Indonesia
2018-2019 The United Nations (UN) & University of Dundee Project Leader - A project on Energy Law & Climate Change, led by Professor Raphael J Heffron. - Managed the team (of 14), solved technical issues related to software/program being applied in the project, gathered data, developed database, and submitted report for the UN.
2015 National Exploration Committee Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources of the Republic of Indonesia Policy Analyst  


Conferences & Meetings

Invited Speakers

April 2023 International Conference on Gender Research at Ulster University Invited speaker to present a research paper on The Importance of Women Participation in Ensuring Justice in Energy Transition in ASEAN and G7
March 2022 BeritaSATU, Indonesia Green Talk – Green National Budget for Indonesia (APBN Hijau untuk Indonesia) A debate on how Indonesia should have a greener national budget.
January 2022 B20 – G20 Presidency: Stakeholder Consultation Task Force Energy, Sustainability & Climate – Business Entities, Association and Think Tanks Invited speaker as part of International Institute for Sustainable Development. I provided some inputs during this event. This event is to support the success of Indonesia G20 Presidency 2022.
January 2022 Society of Renewable Energy Universitas Indonesia & Yayasan Cerah Indonesia Powering Economic Recovery using Renewable Energy: Opportunities and Challenges. Invited speaker to discuss on green recovery opportunities in Indonesia. Attendances were from across universities and professionals.
November 2021 Metro TV News – Metro Globe Network Countdown to COP26 – Phase Out Coal Invited speaker to discuss what to be expected in COP26 discussion in related to coal industry globally.
August 2021 BIMP-EAGA Energy - Brunei Darussalam–Indonesia–Malaysia–Philippines East ASEAN Growth Area Invited moderator MGA positioned Natural Gas as a Clean and Efficient Energy Source at a Regional Energy Conference
August 2021 Asia Pacific Economics Cooperation (APEC) Economies Workshop Trade Policy Dialogue on Potential Options for a Voluntary Standstill on Inefficient Fossil Fuel Subsidies High Level Policy Dialogues amongst the APEC Economies Ministries. I have been asked to be the key presenter on the issues of fossil fuel subsidies in the APEC Economies.
May 2021 School of Strategic and Global Studies, Universitas Indonesia International Webinar on Energy Policy Energy Policy Transformation Towards Sustainability: Shifting from Imported Fossil Fuel into Locally Available Clean Energy I was asked to be the moderator and commentators for each speaker for this webinar.
December 2020 The Center for Energy, Petroleum and Mining Law Studies Faculty of Law, Universitas Brawijaya, Indonesia Invited speaker on National Dialogue on Mining and Energy Policy in Indonesia. Spoke on “Towards Sustainable Development: Fossil Fuel Subsidy Reform in Indonesia”
May 2020 Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) Balikpapan, Indonesia Low-Carbon Economy and Oil and Gas Industry Invited speaker and spoke on “Company’s Strategies in the Low-Carbon Economy Era”
May 2020 Geologist Association of Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia Invited speaker and spoke on: “Oil and Gas Development in Indonesia: Creating an Economic Viability in Giant Field and Marginal Field”
April 2020 Society of Indonesian Petroleum Engineers (IATMI) UK Marathon Sharing Sessions Invited speaker and spoke on “Coal Bed Methane Fiscal Reforms in Indonesia”
30-31 October 2019 1st OPEC-ECS-OFID Annual Legal Workshop OPEC Energy Law & Development Invited speaker and spoke on “Attracting Energy Investment through Taxation Policy”
26 August 2019 Energy Investment in Indonesia in the Low – Carbon Economy Era Joint Conference Purnomo Yusgiantoro Center, CEPMLP University of Dundee, & Universitas Padjadjaran Main organiser & invited panellist
29th May - 1st June 2019 International Conference for Energy Economics, Montreal, Canada By the International Association for Energy Economics Invited speaker on Coal Bed Methane Development in Indonesia: The Economics of the Stakeholders’ Perspective.
24th April 2019 Society of Petroleum Engineers, Aberdeen Event’s Dinner Meeting By the SPE, Aberdeen Section Invited speaker as a result of being the top winner of the SPE Bursary 2018/2019. Presented on Brown VS Green: Merger Activities? (see Grants & Awards Section)
27th – 29th March 2019 Oil and Gas and Just Transition Conference, Trinidad and Tobago An international collaborative conference between the Just Transition Initiative and the University of West Indies Trinidad Invited speaker on Electricity and Low Carbon Acts in Southeast Asia: Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Vietnam, Philippines.
27th February 2019 Staff - PhD Seminar Centre for Energy, Petroleum, and Mineral Law & Policy, School of Social Sciences, University of Dundee Invited speaker and presented on Legislation & Fiscal Issues in Indonesia from stakeholders’ perspective.
5th – 8th April 2017 East Meets West Congress in Krakow, Poland Society of Petroleum Engineers (Third Winner) Invited speaker and presented Paper on “Coal Bed Methane in Indonesia: A comparative analysis of Net Production Sharing Contract (PSC) and Non-Cost Recovery Gross PSC Sliding Scale”
November 2016 Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) University of Dundee Student Chapter Petroleum Fiscal System and Negotiation Invited speaker and presented on how the negotiation process between government and investors in the petroleum industry to SPE members.
13th September 2016 PhD Symposium Robert Gordon University, Scotland, UK Invited speaker and presented Preliminary research paper on “Coal Bed Methane in Indonesia: A comparative analysis of Net Production Sharing Contract (PSC) and Non-Cost Recovery Gross PSC Sliding Scale”.


Invited Participant

16 October 2019 AAPG Energy Transition Forum 2019 “A New Era for Geoscience” in Edinburgh, by the American Association of Petroleum Geologist Invited participant to discuss on the role and future of geoscientists in the Energy Transition
22nd – 23rd March 2019 IVUGER (Increasing Visibility of Underrepresented Groups in Energy Research) Funding Retreat By the UK Energy Research Centre (UKERC) & Imperial College Selected participant for the second time in this event amongst nearly 100 applications from women researcher all over UK.
16th – 17th January 2019 Public-Private Partnership Conference in Hongkong “Harnessing Opportunities and Overcoming Challenges” Organised by Department of Justice of the Hong Kong SAR, UNCITRAL, as well as Asian Academy of International Law (AAIL) Representative from the CEPMLP Just Transition Project (Professor Raphael Heffron) to obtain data and information related to Public-Private Partnership in special issue: Belt & Road Initiative.
29th November 2018 IVUGER (Increasing Visibility of Underrepresented Groups in Energy Research) Funding Retreat By the United Kingdom Energy Research Centre (UKERC) & Imperial College Selected participant in this event amongst women researcher in the UK to promote the zero emissions strategy in the UK.
1st October 2018 Energy Investment Risk Assessment (EIRA) Publication Launch Energy Charter Secretariat, Brussels, Belgium Contributed the model being implemented in the EIRA Report 2017 & 2018 Report is available online (see Publications Section)


Grants & Awards

2023 Fellow of the Higher Education, United Kingdom In recognition of attainment against the UK Professional Standard Framework for teaching and learning support in higher education Certificate is awarded by the Advance Higher Education, UK.
March 2023 Royal Society Edinburgh – International Collaboration Research Project Women Entrepreneurship in Renewable Energy in ASEAN and Scotland, UK This project was internally turned down due to legal and administrative work involved in collaboration project.
November 2023 Royal Society Edinburgh – Small Grants Carbon Management Policies Implementation in ASEAN, EU and the UK Rejected
2015 - 2020 Indonesia Endowment Fund for Education Awardee Scholarship from the Government of Indonesia for pursuing Doctoral Degree.
July 2019 Grants given by the Purnomo Yusgiantoro Research Centre (based in Indonesia) to attend the Student Energy Summit 2019 in London.
May 2019 Grants given by the International Association for Energy Economics (IAEE) to attend the 42nd International Conference “Local Energy, Global Market” in Montreal Canada.
March 2019 Travel Grants given by UK Energy Research Centre & Imperial College To attend the second Increasing Visibility of Underrepresented Groups in Energy (IVUGER) event in Hampstead, London. (see Conferences & Meetings Section) Only selected people attended this event from all over the U.K and Northern Ireland.
February 2019 Society of Petroleum Engineers Top winner of the Bursary Award 2018/2019
November 2018 Travel Grants given by UK Energy Research Centre & Imperial College To attend the first Increasing Visibility of Underrepresented Groups in Energy (IVUGER) event at Imperial College, London. (see Conferences & Meetings Section) Only selected people attended this event from all over the U.K and Northern Ireland.
2017 Society of Petroleum Engineers Award was given to the University of Dundee as a high commendable University when I was leading as a President of the Society of Petroleum Engineers with a special mention to Theresia Betty Sumarno.