
Dr Aruna Jago-Brown

Senior Lecturer

School of Allied and Public Health Professions

Aruna is passionate about Radiography Physics and loves all things linked to Nuclear Medicine (NM).

Having worked in Nuclear medicine departments in the NHS and privately, I am keen to share knowledge and experiences that will educate students and improve service to patients in the future. I have worked in the UK and abroad. I have experience as a Radiopharmacy manager, and as the Head of a Nuclear Medicine department, but started off as a humble apprentice. Teaching physics related to radiography is a wonderful challenge and very rewarding. I have a BSC (Hons) in Pharmacology, a BSc (Hons) in Physics, an MSc in Medical Imaging, mainly focused on NM, and a PhD surprisingly in NM as well. 

I started my teaching career quite young as a sessional lecturer and then focused on subjects such as radiation protection, physics, chemistry, maths and some anatomy and physiology. A decade ago, I devoted my career to teaching the subjects I love. I am dedicated to teaching what is relevant and useful in the role. I also am enthusiastic about teaching subjects such as communication, inter professional collaborative team working as well as cultural competence to prepare students for their careers.  

My main research interests lie in Positron Emission Tomography (PET). I spend my summers in a PET centre learning and working with new radiopharmaceuticals. 

I am currently committed to delivering the Phoenix programme to students who have found themselves victims of physical abuse or coercive control. I deliver a 10 week course on campus for those students and work as a volunteer at the local Domestic violence refuges.