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Mr Andrew Southgate

Senior Lecturer

School of Nursing

As School Engagement Lead, Andrew ensures the Student Voice is acted on. He works with Course Directors and Module Leaders to respond to feedback.

On completion of my pre reg course I specialised in Orthopadeic Trauma Nursing and worked in an Acute Spinal Injury Unit, High Dependency Unit and Accident and Emergency settings. I then became a ward manager of an acute surgical ward specializing in arterial, urinary and colorectal surgery and then managed surgical services in an acute hospital. After joining a Practice Development Team, I focused on developing placements and the learning environment for students across a range of health care professions in community and acute hospitals. I joined CCCU in 2010. My areas of interest are mentoring, leadership, complex care and collaborative practice. I was the Lead for Internationalisation for the School of Nursing. I have worked as a senior lecturer in Vietnam and given lectures to staff and students in Japan. I have also facilitated exchange visits for students to Belgium, Japan and the USA. I am also a book reviewer for the Nursing Times and review chapters and books for a range of books related to nursing. I am currently School Engagement Lead. The role entails ensuring the Student Voice is acted on by working with Course Directors and Module Leaders to respond to feedback in relation to Course and Module delivery.  I am a Peer Reviewer for the Teaching and Learning in Nursing journal

Project Groups/Representation on Groups

I am registered with the Nursing and Midwifery Council .

I have developed with colleagues who are Learning Disability Registered Nurses simulated activities which involve people with a learning disability teaching student nurses. In addition, I was actively involved in establishing the Kent and Medway Community of Practice for learning Disability; which then become the Kent, Sussex and Surrey Community of Practice. My areas of interest and expertise are Leadership, Teaching and Assessment in Placement settings, Cultural Competence and Social Determinants of Health and Complexity in Healthcare. I teach on undergraduate BSc adult nursing and Foundation Degree Nursing Associate and Post Graduate MSc Nursing Courses.  I am a qualitative researcher with experience in conducting phenomenological research

MSc Research Study (Unpublished):

The lived experience of mentors in the intensive care unit supporting pre registration (adult branch) student nurses: a phenomenological study

Successful R.K.E Funding Bids

2013/14: Funding secured to formally evaluate students’ perceptions of the value of the Learning Disability Simulations

2014/15: Funding secured to undertake a phenomenological review of the experiences of Service Users in pre-registration nursing recruitment and selection across Mental Health, Child and Adult fields of practice

2016/17 Funding secured for collaborative research with Konan Women's University to explore the development of cultural competence and cultural sensitivity in students

20221/2: Funding secured for a Research Assisstant to undertake a Literature Review focused on "Creating a sense of belonging" for students in the classroom setting in university


2015: Practice Educator Course in collaboration with Newborns Vietnam, Da Nang Hospital for Women and Children and the Da Nang University of Medicine, Pharmacy and Technology

Conference Presentations

2001 South East Region Making a Difference Conference

2005 Kent and Medway S.H.A Quality Assurance Agency Major Review preparation

2005 CCCU Mentor Conference (Placement Pathways + QAA Major Review; facilitated a group exploring the impact of the NMC mentor standards)

2006 CCCU Mentor Conference Facilitated two breakout groups to explore the impact of inter professional learning on mentors

2010 RCN Education Conference: Transition from CSW to student nurse

2012 Learning Disability Academics Network: Simulated Learning with learning disabled service users

2013 NET International Conference: Simulated Learning with Learning Disabled Service Users

2016 Canterbury Christ Church University: The School of Nursing to Konan Womens University, Kobe, Japan

2016 International and Global Perspectives of Mentoring Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust Mentor Conference

2017 RCN Education Conference: Poster Presentation: Developing Cultural Competence

2017 Howest International Conference: Developing Cultural Conference

2018 Nurse Education in the United Kingdom to Konan Womens University Kobe Japan

2019 The role of learning disabled co teachers in delivering simulation to Adult Nursing Students Konan Womens University Kobe Japan

2021 The Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic in the United Kingdom Konan Womens University Kobe Japan (via Zoom)

Book Reviews

2014 Elcock,k and Sims, G Mentorship for Nurses and Midwives Sage Publications

2015 Garvey, B, Stokes, P and Megginson, DCoaching and Mentoring: Theory and Practice 2nd ed Sage Publications

2015 Darvill, A and Stephens, M Preparation for role transition for final year nursing students Learning Matters Exeter

2016 Green, J and Thorogood, N Qualitative Methods for Health Research (4e) Sage Publications

2016 Nicholson, B, Mckimm, J and Allen, A (Eds) Global Health Sage

2016 Garvey, B, Stokes, P and Megginson, D Coaching and Mentoring: Theory and Practice 2nd Edition (Chapter Review for 3rd Ed)

2016 Gopee, N (2016) Mentoring and Supervision in Healthcare (review content for 3rd ed)

2017 Banks R and Wallang P Rose Gets in Shape Beyond Words

2017 Barker S (ed) Psychology for Nursing and Healthcare Professionals Sage

External Examiner Positions

2015-2019: Sunderland University BSc Top Up (Overseas Nurses) Mentor Module; Dissertation

2019 ongoing University of South Wales BA Adult Nursing and BSc Nursing (Mental Health Nursing, Learning Disability Nursing, Child Nursing and Adult Nursing