On completion of my pre reg course I specialised in Orthopadeic Trauma Nursing and worked in an Acute Spinal Injury Unit, High Dependency Unit and Accident and Emergency settings. I then became a ward manager of an acute surgical ward specializing in arterial, urinary and colorectal surgery and then managed surgical services in an acute hospital. After joining a Practice Development Team, I focused on developing placements and the learning environment for students across a range of health care professions in community and acute hospitals. I joined CCCU in 2010. My areas of interest are mentoring, leadership, complex care and collaborative practice. I was the Lead for Internationalisation for the School of Nursing. I have worked as a senior lecturer in Vietnam and given lectures to staff and students in Japan. I have also facilitated exchange visits for students to Belgium, Japan and the USA. I am also a book reviewer for the Nursing Times and review chapters and books for a range of books related to nursing. I am currently School Engagement Lead. The role entails ensuring the Student Voice is acted on by working with Course Directors and Module Leaders to respond to feedback in relation to Course and Module delivery. I am a Peer Reviewer for the Teaching and Learning in Nursing journal
Mr Andrew Southgate
Senior Lecturer
School of Nursing