Amee Kim

Dr Amee Kim

I am a Senior Lecturer in, and Course Director for, Accounting and Finance at Canterbury Christ Church University.

After achieving an MFin in International Finance and Financial Institutions at University of Glasgow, I completed my PhD in Financial Management at University of Leicester. I obtained my PGCAP and Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy and have ten years of higher education teaching experience.

I have been a module leader the following modules:

  • Accounting for Business (Year 2)
  • Financial Markets and Risk Management (Year 3)

I have supervised the following projects:

  • Dissertation (Year 3)
  •  Individual Study (Year 3) 

I have acted as a subject chair for our partnership institutions:

  • Contemporary Issues in Accounting (Foundation Year)
  • Personal and Academic Skills for Success (Year 1)
  • Economics (Year 1) 
  • Business Information and Analysis (Year 1)
  • Financial Management (Year 3)
  • Strategic Financial Management (Year 3) 

I have also experience in teaching the following modules

  • Business Accounting (Year 1)
  • Management Accounting (Year 2) 
  • Corporate Finance (Year 2)
  • Financial Strategy (Year 3)

I am leading a research project evaluating the role of accounting communication on female senior manager stereotyping, with the objective to develop guidelines for improving analysis and presentation of gender-related issues at managerial level. This project is a collaboration with the University of Birmingham and received a grant from the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW).

I am currently leading the development of behavioural and physiological models to determine the likelihood of individual financial risk-taking. This project is a collaboration with Nottingham Trent University.

I am involved with a project using digital signal processing techniques (recurrence analysis) for evaluating and predicting the cryptocurrency market. This project is a collaboration with University of Birmingham, University of Oxford, Nottingham Trent University, and Vlerick Business School. 



(1)    Kim, A. and Frandsen, A-C. (2022). What you see is not what you get: Articulating annual reports with Barthesian analysis, in SAGE Research Methods Cases: Business & Management

(2)    Kim, A. (2022). Semiotic analysis in financial markets, in Research Methods in Marketing, Business and Management: Theoretical and Practical Perspectives, Taylor and Francis Group Publishing Limited.

(3)    Kim, A. and McGoun, S. (2022). K-pop and K-Car: The Underpinnings of 21st Century Korean Cultural/Industrial Successes, Central European Management Journal, In press.

(4)    Kim, A. and McGoun, S. (2020). The Rise of the Bentley and Broad War Boys: Converting Nascent Automotive and Computer Technologies into Mainstream Sports. Journal of Motorsport Culture & History (In press).

(5)    Kim, A. (2019) "Symbolic representations of financial events in the Korean media", Qualitative Research in Financial Markets,

(6)    Kim, A. and Vanheusden, F.J. (2019). Yin-Yang representation of financial crisis: a Korean perspective. International Journal of Management Concepts and Philosophy, 12(4), pp.385-408.

Research Projects

  • Abusive tax practices of global accounting firms 1990-2020: an historical study of determining influences and the unexplored role of virtue ethics. Researcher(s): Mr Arvind Lall. Supervisor(s): Dr Amee Kim, Professor Richard McManus. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • Appraising Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives as a brand strategy towards building customer loyalty in the banking sector: A multinational study. Researcher(s): Mrs Omotayo Utomi. Supervisor(s): Dr Amee Kim, Professor Richard McManus, Dr Mujde Bideci. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • Determinants of Environmental Sustainability: the role of financial development. Researcher(s): Mrs Jiaying Zhu. Supervisor(s): Dr Mamunur Rashid, Professor Richard McManus, Dr Amee Kim. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • Determinants of Green Finance of Chinese Banks: A perspective on China’s Dual Carbon Target. Researcher(s): Ms Cecelia Qian. Supervisor(s): Dr Mamunur Rashid, Professor Richard McManus, Dr Amee Kim. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • Fintech as a Catalyst for the Impact of Corporate Governance on ESG Performance: Evidence from Developed and Emerging Financial markets. Researcher(s): Miss Saima Afsheen. Supervisor(s): Dr Mamunur Rashid, Dr Amee Kim, Professor Richard McManus. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • IMPACT OF INSTITUTIONAL FORCES ON CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY IN BANGLADESH LEATHER INDUSTRY. Researcher(s): Mr Mehfuzul Haque. Supervisor(s): Dr Amee Kim, Dr Mamunur Rashid, Professor Richard McManus. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • The Digital Century: Overcoming industry challenges through integrating Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Accounting Information Systems (AIS). Researcher(s): Miss Chloe Wheeler. Supervisor(s): Dr Amee Kim, Dr Christopher Russell, Professor Richard McManus. [Postgraduate Research Project]

I am Chief Examiner at Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment (CISI), UK. I am also External examiner for Postgraduate Business Programmes at University of Roehampton, UK. I am currently a reviewer as the following journals:

  • Finance Research Letters
  • International Journal of Computational Systems Engineering 
  • Journal of International Marketing
  • International Journal of Advertising
  • Managerial Finance
  • International Journal of Cross Cultural Management
  • Cross Cultural & Strategic Management.