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Ms Alison Blackhall

Senior Lecturer

School of Teacher Education

I started working at Canterbury Christ Church University in the Post-Compulsory Education and Training Department in January 2016, having spent 10 years in the further education sector. I specialised as a literacy and English teacher before moving into teacher training at Lewisham Southwark College.

I work on the Diploma in Education and Training and Professional Graduate Certifictate of Education as well as the Post-Graduate Certificate of Education. My interests include critical literacy, action research and expanding teaching practice.

I am currently working on a project to support newly qualified teachers in FE, providing opportunities to explore different teaching traditions and the strategies they offer. In 2017-2018 we organised a mini-conference with guest speakers, employers, unions and SET and in June our students will have the opportunity to explore Forest Schools with the Kent Wildlife Trust. I am hoping to expand this next year and will post details as they are confirmed.