Welcome to the MSc Strength, Conditioning and Performance Science course. Designed to build, challenge, and enhance academic knowledge and applied practical skills and techniques in this field. It is a course that will enable you to develop competencies, personal and professional qualities and confidence to succeed in the industry.

Dr Lucinda Howland (ASCC)
Course Director

Key dates

Academic Calendar: Trimesters

View key dates for this Academic Calendar for 2024-25 including when teaching starts and finishes and when you break for holidays. 


For full-time students, it is expected that this course will be delivered during one and a half days of intensive teaching each week. You will be sent more information about the teaching schedule closer to the time. Outside of the teaching days, you will want to keep an estimated additional 3 days dedicated to the course to engage in self-directed reading, completing your assessments and building upon your practical and theoretical knowledge and skills essential to the underpinning of strength and conditioning.

Getting started


On the social side, the Student Union (CCSU) has a huge range of clubs and societies – all of which have unique social calendars of their own and offer endless opportunities to make lifelong friends and discover new hobbies. And you can always create your own society and cultivate your own community!

CCSU will be hosting their Welcome Fayre on Wednesday 18th September 2024. Make sure you keep checking the CCSU website for further details and how to get involved.

We understand that you may be nervous about your first few weeks on campus but rest assured - you'll be joining a nurturing and supportive environment where diversity, equality and individuality are part of everything we do.

You can find out more about our welcoming community and making friends here.

If you are an International Student joining us then please see our International Student Support pages for further information and guidance.

Pre-course reading

For those of you who have conditional offers subject to your final degree mark/grade, please forward a copy of your final marks to your respective admissions contact so your offer becomes a firm place.

Over the summer please regularly monitor your personal email to ensure you complete the pre-registration process and for any further information that we may send to you. You will receive important information from the university’s central admissions team regarding Registration, Welcome & Induction from mid-August through to September, therefore please keep checking your personal e-mails (and junk mail) for updates.

Social media can help you keep up to date with activities at the University. Here are a few University X feeds to look at and follow:


Using X to follow journals and organisations will also help you gain an insight into our industry.

Have a look at:

Here is the Section of Sport and Exercise Science Instagram page:

and don't forget to keep up to date with all that is happening across the Faculty:

Your welcome and induction will be w/c 16th September 2024 - we look forward to meeting you then.

International student success programme

International students: don't miss out! Make sure you register for our international student success programme which provides practical advice on preparing to live and study in the UK.

Contact details

For general admissions enquiries: Postgraduate Admissions (PGadmissions@canterbury.ac.uk)

For course specific enquiries email:

Course Director Dr Lucinda Howland (lucinda.howland@canterbury.ac.uk)

and / or

PLS Postgraduate Administration Team (PLS.postgraduate.professional@canterbury.ac.uk)