You are about to embark on one of the most exciting times in your life as you are welcomed into our community. You may well feel quite excited or even a little anxious about the big step you are about to take. University is a place where many different people come together from very diverse backgrounds to change their lives. You may feel very different to others, when in fact you may find yourself sitting next to someone who becomes a lifelong friend. You are joining a fantastic team dedicated to making you feel at home and who will help you transition into your shiny new university life. With a degree, you will have the potential to make a huge difference to your own future and those of others. I am looking forward to meeting you and learning about your aspirations for your future.
We understand that this can be quite a nerve wracking time, so we want to reassure you that you can find most of the information you need on the University on our webpages. If, for any reason, you cannot find what you need, please contact our amazing Course Admin Team and they will put you in touch with someone that can answer your question. I look forward to meeting you in September.
You may wish to keep track of what we are doing in the Department by following us on our Faculty Instagram and X