The Office for Students (OfS) has updated the standard assessment criteria for all higher education providers.

There is now a greater focus being placed on what has been achieved and an emphasis on standards around spelling, punctuation, grammar and numeracy appropriate to your learning outcomes.  

Working with the Students' Union we have used this update as an opportunity to reinforce our compassionate approach to learning and make a commitment to providing supportive feedback that will help our students to develop and succeed in their studies.

It is important that you check your Course and Module Handbooks for your assessment criteria which will be included as part of your assessment brief.

And please remember that there is a range of support available for your assessments:

  • If you have questions that are specific to your assessment criteria , please contact your Personal Academic Tutor or Course Tutor. 
  • For any concerns about how your personal circumstances may impact your ability to successfully meet the assessment criteria please contact the Student Wellbeing Team.
  • If you have a recognised disability and/or long-term serious medical or psychological condition you may be eligible to for a Learning Support Plan and/or adjustments for assessments. If you have agreed assessment adjustments, it is important that you attach the cover sheet, that the Student Wellbeing provide you, to each assessment that you submit.
  • For support in meeting the assessment criteria around spelling, punctuation, grammar and numeracy utilise the range of free productivity tools available.
  • To prepare for assessments and respond to feedback check out the range of online modules and resources available via the Learning Skills Hub or contact your Faculty Learning Skills Team for advice and study support. 


    For further information