All new modules starting from September 2022 will be created using Blackboard Ultra. This provides a simpler and more accessible learning experience for students and is designed for use on all devices (including mobile).

Current Blackboard Update - 23 September 2022

For many students Blackboard will be available from Monday 26 September. Where access is going to be slightly later, we are working with course teams to ensure your learning and teaching is not affected.

Remember, in order to access your Blackboard when it is available, you will need to be registered and have set up your Christ Church computing account.

The Ultra interface was designed to help you stay organized and on task. The core features you’ll notice immediately upon log in include: your profile, courses, organizations, and your global pages for calendar, messages, and grades. The activity stream displays real-time updates for all of your courses.

Find out what is new and what is different with Blackboard Ultra with the useful video below:

For further guidance and support using Blackboard please visit our online guides for Blackboard Ultra.

We hope you enjoy the new improved Blackboard Ultra experience – allowing you to easily stay on top of what's important and manage your academic life at-a-glance.


    For further information