Education students on placement: Part B: Personal and professional development

Whilst on teaching placement you may be performing some classroom-based research, either as part of a module or directed task; to contribute to research work in the school; or to improve your own knowledge and understanding. The library has resources that can help to explain what this is and give guidance to support you in your research activities.

‘Classroom-based action research (CBAR) typically involves teachers conducting collaborative, evidence-based investigations into their own classroom routines and relationships with a view to understanding and improving the quality and justice of their practices in the classroom’.

Coghlan, D. and Brydon-Miller, M. (eds.) (2014) The Sage encyclopedia of action research. DOI: p.104

You can search for relevant books about classroom-based research and related areas in LibrarySearch using various search terms such as research; classroom research; action research. Here are some of the ebooks that you can read (click on the links and log in to read):

Hopkins, D. (2014) A teacher’s guide to classroom research. 5th edn. Maidenhead: Open University Press.

Taber, K. (ed.) (2013) Classroom based research and evidence-based practice: an introduction. 2nd Edn. London: Sage.

Zwozdiak-Myers, P. (2012) The teacher’s reflective practice handbook: becoming an extended professional through capturing evidence-informed practice. London: Routledge.

Sage Research Methods is a comprehensive online database full of resources about numerous research methods to help develop your understanding. You can find reference works, handbooks, books, book chapters, journal articles, podcasts and videos, including interviews and case studies. You can also explore visual maps which show how research concepts are related and use a Project Planner tool for your own research project. Find this database via LibrarySearch/Find databases A-Z/S/Sage Research Methods.

You can search Sage Research Methods in different ways from the database homepage. Watch this short video to see how to explore the different functions: