I am not yet a registered partner student, and my UCAS or registration details are wrong.

I am not yet a registered partner student, and my UCAS or registration details are wrong.

Please contact your Partner Institution Admissions Team directly for all these Admissions Queries such as: your personal details are wrong or you need to withdraw the application on UCAS. Your Partner Institution Admissions Team will directly contact Canterbury Christ Church University on your behalf if necessary. Please find below your Partner Admissions Institution contact details:

London School of Commerce (LSC) lsc.admissions@lsclondon.co.uk 0207 3570077

Global Banking School (GBS) admissions@globalbanking.ac.uk 0208 0920440

Elizabeth School of London (ESL) admissions_cccu@elizabethschool.com 0203 3408091

UKMC: admissions@ukmc.ac.uk 0161 478 0015

Stratford College: admissions@sclondon.ac.uk


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Last edited: 22/11/2024 13:56:00