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Join us for a screening of '2040' as part of the Earth Charter Campaign delivered by Project 93.

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Join us for an Earth Charter Campaign film screening of '2040'.

Motivated by concerns about the planet his 4-year-old daughter would inherit, Damon (the director) embarked on a global journey to meet innovators and changemakers… and drawing on their expertise, he sought to identify the best solutions, available to us now, that would help improve the health of our planet and the societies that operate within it.

This journey is the central premise for 2040, a story of hope that looks at the very real possibility that humanity could reverse global warming and improve the lives of every living thing in the process. It is a positive vision of what ‘could be’, instead of the dystopian future we are so often presented. 2040 is a hybrid feature documentary that looks to the future but is vitally important NOW!

This film screening is organised by Project 93 - an initiative which aims to enrich the academic experience, enhance critical engagement, encourage social activism, and incite solidarity and hope amongst our staff and students.

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