Author profile

Caroline Clive

1801 - 1872

Best known work

  • Paul Ferroll, 1855

Other well known work(s)

  • Why Paul Ferroll Killed His Wife, 1860


  • Fiction - Novels
  • Fiction - Short Stories
  • Plays
  • Poetry
  • Politics / Philosophy / Essays

Nom de plume

Caroline Meysey-Wigley, Caroline Wigley Clive, 'V'

Social class

Upper class

Parental background

Her father was a barrister and MP and she inherited a substantial sum on the deaths of her mother and brother.

At publication of best known work

  • Age: 54
  • Marital status: Married
  • Number of children: 2

Physical description

Disabled from the age of two, possibly as a result of Polio, Clive never walked without a stick and was later confined to a wheelchair. She considered herself as ugly on account of her disability and was also described as possessing a "plain face" (Charlotte Mitchell, Victorian Fiction Research Guide)

Did you know?

Clive tragically died as a result of injuries caused by her dress catching fire.

Additional information

Charlotte Mitchell provides an in-depth analysis of Clive and her life.


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Last edited: 22/01/2019 10:14:00