Our Governing Body and Officers of the University for 2023-24
Pro-Chancellor and Chair of the Governing Body: Judith Armitt, DL
Vice-Chancellor: Professor Rama Thirunamachandran, OBE, DL
Governor: Nadra Ahmed, CBE, DL
Governor: Sue Appleby
Governor: Steve Carey
Governor: Professor Graeme Dewhurst
Governor (Staff – Academic Board): Dr Ali Eyden
Student Governor: Alice Lundy (to February 2024)
Governor: Judith Harding
Governor (Staff – Professional Services): Robin Higgins
Senior Independent Governor: The Rt Revd Bishop Rose Hudson Wilkin, MBE
Governor: Pam Jones, OBE
Governor: Lady Angela Newey, DL
Governor: Clive Stevens, DL
Governor: Reverend Robert Stevenson
Governor: Jeremy Stockwell
Governor (Staff – Academic): Dr Kenneth Fox
Governor: Professor John Wood, CBE
Learn more about our Governing Body
Chancellor: The Most Reverend and Right Honourable Justin Welby, the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury
Vice-Chancellor: Professor Rama Thirunamachandran, OBE, DL
Pro-Chancellor and Chair of the Governing Body: Judith Armitt, DL
Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Professor Alison Honour
Senior Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research, Enterprise and Business Development): Professor Mike Weed
Pro Vice-Chancellor and Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Education: Dr Lynnette Turner
Pro Vice-Chancellor and Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Health and Social Care: Professor Jane Perry (Interim)
Pro Vice-Chancellor (Education & Student Experience): Prof. Niamh Downing
Pro Vice-Chancellor (STEM, Global Engagement and Internationalization) and Dean of the Faculty of Science, Engineering and Social Sciences: Professor Mohamed Abdel-Maguid
Chief Finance and Operating Officer: David Leah
Director of Digital Strategy and Information Technology: Sarah Cockrill
Director of Estates and Facilities: Simon Gwynne
Director of HR and Organisational Development: Margaret Ayers
Director of Marketing and Communications: Marco Keir
Dean of Chapel: Reverend Dr Jeremy Law
University Solicitor and Clerk to the Governing Body: Alison Sear