Vice-Chancellor and Senior Management Team (SMT) salaries

The salaries of the Vice-Chancellor and members of the Senior Management Team[1] are set by the Remuneration Committee of the Governing Body of the University and notified to the them each year. The members of the Committee are independent Governors and an independent external adviser. Salaries are set according to the Terms of Reference of the Remuneration Committee.

The Terms of Reference set out a number of principles under which the Committee operates.

In conducting its role, the Committee shall ensure:

  • That decisions reached are fair, proportionate and consistent and give due regard to the University’s equality commitments and responsibilities together with its charitable status.
  • That affordability is considered when reaching all decisions.
  • That the impact of decisions on individual future pension entitlements and costs is considered at all times.
  • That the rationale for all decisions is clear and justifiable.
  • That when considering severance payments for senior staff the Committee must represent the public interest and avoid any inappropriate use of public funds.

In the conduct of its business, it is expected that the Committee will draw upon a range of information sources as necessary to support robust, consistent and equitable decision-making. In reviewing salary levels, the university draws on market pay data from the Universities and Colleges Employers Association (UCEA) Senior Salary Survey and uses the Post 92 universities with a similar turnover level as it’s comparator group.

The Vice-Chancellor’s current total annual rate of salary is £293,264 (2024/25). All of the Vice-Chancellors external activities are performed on a pro bono basis and there is no external income.

Higher paid staff as at 1 August 2024

Salary Range 2024/25
£115,000 to £ 119,999 3
£120,000 to £124,999 4
£125,000 to £129,99 1
£140,000 to £144,999 1
£165,000 to £169,999 1
Total 10

This and other aspects of the University's finances are published annually in the Financial Statements.

October 2024

[1] The roles within the remit of the Remuneration Committee are: the Vice-Chancellor, Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research and Enterprise); Director of Finance and Chief Financial Officer; Professor of Smart Systems Pro Vice-Chancellor (STEM) and Dean of the Faculty of Science, Engineering, and Social Sciences; Pro Vice-Chancellor and Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Humanities & Education; Pro Vice-Chancellor (Medical Education Development) and Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Health and Social Care; Director of Human Resources and Organisational Development; Director of Estates and Facilities; Director of Digital Strategy and Information Services and Director of Marketing and Communications

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