Using our brand new body composition analyser, the “Bod-Pod GS-X”, we can assess the make-up of your body by using your mass and volume to calculate your body density and body fat percentage. 

This will enable you to ascertain your current body fat percentage and, in turn, your lean-body or muscle mass percentage. As an alternative you can also have your body composition assessed by one of our trained sport scientists, using skinfold callipers to assess the skinfold thickness, so that the total amount of body fat you have can be calculated.

This service is aimed towards a range of athletes, including, but not limited to, combat athletes, cyclists and boxers. However, it can also be used by many types of people, from young to old, lean to obese.

This test is very easy to complete - it's highly accurate, safe and quick, and takes only around 30 minutes for a full consultation.

  • BodPod body composition assessment - £30
  • Skinfold body composition assessment - £30
  • BodPod or Skinfold assessment + Somatotype profiling (assessment of body shape) - £35

For more information or to book a test, please email or call 01227 922133.